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Net Radio Rip or Play

Auto Rip MP3s of individual tracks more than one radio station.


"Auto Rip MP3s of individual tracks more than one radio station."
dovnload.co.uk Editor: Net Radio Rip or Play (TM) 7000 radio stations on stream each song selected to play a radio station automatic recording allows for multiple MP3. Supports Dial-Up 56K connections. The recorded files (NO spaces) that even adjacent buffering occurs. Single audio / mute controls for each station and drop the MP3 ripping FULL volume even silent is saved. Easily manageable directory structure created when ripping. Mini review floating MP3 Player included ripped files. Creates a list of favorite stations. Radio Station Control Manager for multiple stations were created. Net Radio Rip or Play 4.0.0 Now you can download free of charge.

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